Summerland, California is located in Santa Barbara County. Summerland has a population of 1,408 and has shown -8.9% growth since 2000. Of the 634 households in Summerland, 32.2% are owned, 50.8% are rented and 17% are not currently occupied. The median age of homes in Summerland is 26 years and 34.0% of the homes have been occupied by the same residents for more than 5 years.

Learn more about cleaning services in Summerland

Summerland is a census-designated place (CDP) in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The population was 1,448 at the 2010 census, down from 1,545 at the 2000 census. The town includes a school and a Presbyterian Church. There are many small businesses. Do you have questions about cleaning services in Summerland? Use the form below to get a quote!


Fill out this form below and we will get in touch! Call us at 805-698-3132 or [email protected]



What People Are Saying

The best cleaning company in Santa Barbara

The best cleaning company in Santa Barbara, Rosie is so sweet and she is very professional. Highly recommended!
Brenda L

I definitely recommend Rosie’s cleaning!

They did a great job cleaning, and the woman, Grace, who assisted me on the phone was so helpful. I got a deep cleaning and was very pleased.
Elisa B

These ladies are super reliable!

These ladies are super reliable. I had them cleaning my house once a week and they did such a great job. I will definitely be calling them again!
Jessica M